
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. This page assumes the reader has some familiarity with contributing to open-source Python projects using GitHub.

Pulsarbat could always use more documentation, especially in the form of worked examples.

For bug reports and feature requests, create an issue on GitHub here: theXYZT/pulsarbat#issues

Developer Workflow#

To contribute changes (fixing bugs, adding features), we follow a typical GitHub workflow:

  • Create a personal fork of the repository.

  • Create a branch (preferrably, with an informative name).

  • Make changes, test your contributions and document them!

  • Open a pull request.

  • Iterate until changes pass various linters and checks.

  • Work through code review until your PR is accepted and merged.


A reminder for the maintainers on how to deploy a release:

  • Make sure all changes are committed.

  • Update changelog in HISTORY.rst.

  • Update package version in pulsarbat/ either manually or using bump2version.

  • Create a tagged commit with tag: vX.Y.Z and push tags to origin. A tagged commit should automatically publish the package to PyPI via Github Actions.

  • Create a release on Github on the tagged commit (this will trigger Zenodo).

Useful Things#

This section is an informal reference for contributors and maintainers on how to do some development-related things.

Testing and Coverage#

From the root directory of the repository, run:

$ pytest --cov-report=html --cov=pulsarbat

Then open htmlcov/index.html in your browser to look at test coverage.

Building Docs#

From docs/, run:

$ make clean
$ make html && python -m http.server --directory _build/html 9000

Then open http://localhost:9000/ in your browser to access the built docs.